I have a problem connecting from a lambda function with a RDS MySql database.
I try to follow the tutorial http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/vpc.html , but when I try to connect with the database, the lambda function return allways a timeout error. I have tried with several roles and security groups... but I have achieved nothing.
I think I'm doing something wrong... please help me.
I have a function for test:
//loading required modules;
console.log('Loading function');
var mysql= require('mysql');
//This handler will invok after receiving the event with username,password and status
module.exports.testeo = function(event, context, callback) {
var conn = mysql.createConnection({
host : 'xxxxxxx.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com',
user : 'xxxxxxx',
password : 'xxxxxxx',
database : 'xxxxxxx'
conn.connect(function(err) { // creating database connection
if (err) {
console.error('error connecting: ' + err.stack); // on error
console.log('connected as id ' + conn.threadId);
In the lambda funtion I have this configuration:
- Role: miclub-beta-eu-west-1-lambdaRole (with policies: AmazonLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole, AmazonRDSFullAccess, AmazonRDSDirectoryServiceAccess)
- VPC: vpc-c84ec6af(
- Subnets: subnet-9e7af9f9 ( | eu-west-1a ; subnet-ecba31a5 ( | eu-west-1b ; subnet-4700cf1c ( | eu-west-1c
- Security groups: sg-1626b96e (default) (Inbound rules: ports: All sources: sg-1626b96e; Outbound: Ports: All destination:
In the RDS Instance I have this configuration:
- Multi-AZ Deployment: No
- Security group: default (sg-1626b96e) (vpc-c84ec6af)
- Publicly Accesible: Yes
- Enable IAM DB Authentication: No
I can access to the RDS from external IPs without problems... but I can't access from lambda functions.
Please... what is wrong?
I created an account here just to thumbs up this solution. It solved my problem. But I did it slightly different: I just changed the inbound rule of the RDS to accept all IPv4 and IPv6. I didn't even use a security group for my Lambda Function