How do I create and validate a signature using the EventStreamAws4Signer class from the SNS Java SDK?


I've asked ChatGPT to give me an example on how to do this, it came up with the following:

    public void publishMessage(String topicArn, String message) {
        SnsClient snsClient = SnsClient.builder()

        PublishRequest publishRequest = PublishRequest.builder()

        EventStreamAws4Signer signer = EventStreamAws4Signer.builder()

        SdkBytes payload = SdkBytes.fromByteArray(message.getBytes());

        String signature = signer.sign(publishRequest, payload).get("signature");

        snsClient.publish(builder -> builder

In reality EventStreamAws4Signer doesn't have a builder() method, only a create() method. But the latter method doesn't provide a way to configure the access keys or use the instance profile access keys for signing.

How do I use the EventStreamAws4Signer to get a signature? I've looked at the code examples in the docs here: and also in the code examples on github here:

But couldn't find what i was looking for. I need to know how I can both create a signature and how to validate a signature. Thank you

asked 2 years ago418 views
1 Answer
  • this is not helpful. I need to know how to create my own signature string and how to verify signature strings extracted from the headers of other SNS notifications

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