Route 53 says all records are good, WorkMail says I have three missing TXT and three pending CNAME records


When I am in AWS WorkMail, if I click the "Update all in Route 53" button, I get a green box that says "Your hosted zone is already configured correctly." However, beneath the Domains entry, WorkMail is still telling me that I have three missing TXT records (which are not missing), and three pending CNAME records. Why is WorkMail telling me one thing and Route 53 telling me another? How do I correct this problem?

asked 4 months ago263 views
1 Answer


Instead of deleting the record from Route53 and registering it from the WorkMail screen, try registering the record manually.
By the way, is it possible to resolve names of other Route53 records (NS records, A records, etc.)?

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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