Failed to start kernel- Problem with Sagemaker Studio



I have been facing this weird error for 2 weeks without any reason. Appreciate any help. It is worth noting that the error is not related to the instance type or size.

Failed to start kernel Failed to check app status: Error when retrieving credentials from container-role: Error retrieving metadata: Received non 200 response (500) from ECS metadata: Credentials are not yet available (Context: RequestId: 3a2e0874-f355-4ab9-9b26-4139828b4dbf, TimeStamp: 1688562272.366086, Date: Wed Jul 5 13:04:32 2023)

asked 2 years ago2.1K views
1 Answer

The error is potentially related to the JupyterLab version that you are using in SageMaker Studio. We have noticed an increase in similar cases where customers using JupyterLab version 1 have experienced issues with kernel startup. AWS has recently made updates to SageMaker Studio, and it is possible that the version of JupyterLab you are using is now outdated. [1] I recommend that you update your JupyterLab to the latest version. [2]

Additionally, can you please shut down and update SageMaker Studio as described in [3]. I would also recommend you to shut down and update associated Studio Apps as described in [4].

Please only open a new Studio session and a Studio kernel after you complete the the steps (described in [3] and [4] respectively) to see the issue to resolution.

I would also like to communicate that restarting the studio periodically is good practice which actually prevents such intermittent issues.

References :


answered 2 years ago

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