Pearson revoked my exam due to their misconception


Regarding the case number created by your proctor for the exam I took, I have severe Concerns about the way the evaluation was conducted, which was wholly unprofessional.

Background on my exam session.

  1. Proctor # 1: I remember her name as Olga sent a screen pop up message saying I was leaning towards the screen as soon as the exam started. Then after sometime she dropped off from the exam hopefully due to her network issues. Also to mention based on a conversation with Olga when she reviewed my place where I was taking the exam and she was happy with how I appeared on camera. Also, proctor #1 did not appear on the screen meaning she didn't have her camera switched on and there was rooster crowing in her background which tells she was not in a professional environment where a proctor sort of job should be performed !!!!

  2. Proctor # 2: After sometime another proctor I don't remember her name checked my place again and resumed the exam. I can clearly tell she was on the move either travelling in a bus or a car or a motorcycle, because there was background sound and also the wind was blowing as if she was on a move at speed. I was able to observe those when she spoke to me while she was reviewing my exam station. Proctor #2 after a few minutes sent a warning that I had leaned into the screen and revoked the exam right away.

My Concerns:

I am taking an exam which is quite hard and I am a human, not a robot so I cannot be stuck without moving my upper body a little bit also when a hard is in front of me I cannot focus on how I appear on the camera which is seen as a small icon size on the top of the screen on pearson app, and rather I would be focusing on the question and making sure I can read and understand it well before selection a choice on MCQ.

I might have leaned into the screen which could have shown me in a zoomed way, but I assure you I was just reading the question carefully and I do it usually when I want to be super focused. I cannot be too concerned about that especially when I am solving a hard scenario-based question.

I expect a proctor who is reviewing me this way like a robotic program should at least appear on the screen and talk to me before revoking the exam so I can ask for some modification like bringing in a bigger screen or switching to an external camera. In this scenario, I was using a Macbook Air 13-inch without any external camera. As you would know, a Macbook 13-inch screen is quite small and you have to lean forward to read the question carefully. Also keep in mind I am not watching a movie or chilling in front of my laptop so I can stay still, rather I am reviewing a hard question which I hardly get 2.5 minutes to answer so I can finish the exam on a given time.

I do have frustration and anger about what happened to me on this exam because I took this exam after preparing for more than 2 months preparing daily and a week before the exam I took PTO from work for the whole week to prepare for the exam. I don't want my hard work to go wasted.

Also I want to know the qualification of the proctors who proctored my exam and their age as I feel they don't have enough knowledge to judge a professional because I strongly feel they were not professional in their work !!

I request AWS to get involved in this matter and put my exam back on scheduled mode so I can pick a date for my next appearance, also make sure I still get two as I am enrolled as part of a global retake program.


Exam: SAP-C02 - AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional - English (ENU)

Candidate: ***** ***** Candidate ID: *********** Registration ID: *********

asked a year ago423 views
2 Answers

I don't think a question and answer forum is the right place for this complaint, and needing to know their ages is also pretty unprofessional imo.

Either way, your complaint should be forwarded here:

Aws Certification Support:

And also to PearsonVue Support here:
profile picture
answered 10 months ago

Please submit a ticket to the AWS Training & Certification customer support team, and they will provide assistance. If you already submitted a case, please allow at least 48 hrs to get a response.

If the answer I provided led to a resolution, please approve the answer for improvement of the re:Post community!

answered 10 months ago

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