Amazon Cognito Ec2 connection


Hi Guys, I deployed my java app on EC2 and here I am doing call to Amazon Cognito in order to push user data. So I am getting below error, Profile file contained no credentials for profile 'default': ProfileFile(profiles=[])". When you are trying the same on your local machine its working fine My understanding was If I gave IAM role(CognitoSuperUser) which has permission for Cognito to Ec2, I don't have to put credentials in EC2 profile file. Am I wrong? will not EC2 be able to allow calling to Cognito without any configuration? Like I do call to S3 from Ec2 by allowing permission in the IAM role that assigned Ec2. This is the way I create client to call. is there any other way to make call instead of ProfileCredentialsProvider

this.cognitoClient = CognitoIdentityProviderClient.builder()


asked a year ago387 views
1 Answer
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answered a year ago

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