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GameLift Unreal Engine 5.1 Dedicated Server - SERVER_PROCESS_TERMINATED_UNHEALTHY


We currently hosting our UE5.0 game dedicated server on GameLift with the SDK version of 3.3.3. We're able to create game session successfully and is now live.

Now we're updating our game to use UE5.1, however when we upload our dedicated server build to GameLift, we either able to get 1-2 game session instantly terminated (40-60s) or a lot of SERVER_PROCESS_TERMINATED_UNHEALTHY event code on our Fleet.

According to the documentation, we need to check the game session logs. However there's no way for us to access the logs. We've followed this to see whether the logs can be downloaded from the dashboard with no success.

We have tested locally via Unreal Engine Editor as Client with simulated server without issues. Appreciate your assistance on this.

1 Answer


Have you looked at the Logging server messages documentation which talks about how you can emit and fetch game session logs on your game server.

To elaborate, once you have enabled logging, it should be accessible via

  • GetGameSessionLog API.
  • The "Game sessions" tab on the fleet details page through the AWS GameLift Console.

Alternatively if your game session never went ACTIVE, you can remotely access the instance directly. Once you're on the instance you can find your logs under C:\Game for Windows or /local/game for linux.

If you're still facing issues, please create a Support ticket, and the GameLift team can help take a deeper look into what's going on.


answered 2 years ago

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