Cloudformation - Update glue crawler doesn't update tags


Bug report:


  • Create a glue crawler using a CloudFormation template
  • Update the Crawler tags

Expected result: Tags should be updated

Actual result: Tags are not updated

asked 7 months ago190 views
1 Answer

Hello, Thanks for reporting this to AWS team.

In order to confirm the above, I have tried to replicate it by creating a stack and then updating the tags of the Crawler.

For creation of the stack and the Crawler, I have used the sample template provided in the ‘AWS::Glue::Crawler’ docs (1). The stack and the ‘AWS::Glue::Crawler’ resource gets created successfully. Then I tried to update the stack by changing the Tags value in the template, the stack gets updated successfully but the Tags are not updated on the ‘AWS::Glue::Crawler’ Console.

I also faced the same behaviour as you mentioned. In order to confirm this whether this is an expected behaviour or a bug, I have reached out to internal team.


answered 7 months ago

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