Simple website monitoring


I have a web server running in Lightsail and over the weekend, it crashed due to running out of memory. As I understand it, the existing alarm options aren't there for memory consumption or web server health. Is there a way to add these, maybe through the existing cloudwatch agent to monitor the free memory as well as the open ports or web server process?


2 Answers

Hi, try reviewing this article:

Hope it helps and if it does, I d appreciate answer to be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity, thanks ;)

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answered a year ago
  • That helped me get the agent installed on my Debian OS along with the basic memory monitoring, but these guides are over two years ago and out of sync w/ how CloudWatch Metrics look and work today. :(


Unfortunately, I don't think this is even possible. I was able to get the CloudWatch agent working in my Lightsail instance and see the results in CloudWatch, but I can't create an alarm to notify me when something's out of range b/c I get the message: Alarm creation is not enabled if your graph contains metrics from different regions/accounts

answered a year ago

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