Amazon Q Business - Data Source as Google Drive - PDF files


I have created an application which interacts with Google Drive to fetch data from files present in drive depending from user's prompt. Yes, works fine with text and excel data, but not able to fetch data from PDFs or PPTs. It fetches data from PDFs from S3 bucket or any PDF which is uploaded via File uploader. But, it fails to get data from PDFs from Google drive.

Is there anything else we need to do or google drive does not support PDFs ?

1 Answer


I think the Google Drive connector supports PDF.

Supports all files supported by Amazon Q.

Is the Google Drive connector setting set to exclude PDF files?

Entity patterns – Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain folders, files, and file types from My drive, Shared with me, and Shared drives. You can add up to 100 patterns.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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