Send Mail on AWS Lambda NodeJS with Nodemailer


I have the code bellow. It works on my machine, but on AWS Lambda the error below is thrown. I checked on VPC Security groups and granted all traffic outbound. Does anybody know the reason of this error and any possibile solution?


        "errno": -110,
        "code": "ESOCKET",
        "syscall": "connect",
        "command": "CONN"


        const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
            host: '',
            port: 465,
            secure: true,
            auth: {
                user: credentials.user,
                pass: credentials.password
asked 2 months ago301 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Is Lambda connected to VPC?
In that case Lambda Please configure NAT Gateway so that you can access "" from.
When Lambda connects to a VPC, it requires a NAT Gateway to access the public internet.

Also, if Lambda does not need to connect to AWS services (EC2 or RDS) in the VPC, there is no need to connect to the VPC.

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answered 2 months ago
  • Lambda is hosted on Public Subnet with Internet Gateway. Does I have to install a NAT gateway on this subnet??

  • Even if Lambda is placed in a public subnet, the ENI does not have a public IP address attached to it, so it must be routed to the public internet through a NAT Gateway. Therefore, you need to place Lambda in a private subnet and configure settings to route it via NAT Gateway.

  • Instead of creating a NAT Gateway (price USD67) I created a NAT Instance with EC2 t4g.micro (price USD6) and it works very well. Thank you!

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