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Why AWS tapes write half of the data to tape and jumps to other tape ..


Hi Everyone,

I created two tapes of 5TiB of each in AWS.

I have a backup job which backups up 1.25 TB of data. When I start the backup job, it is selecting the tape and writing the half of the data on 1st Tape(413 Gb) and jumping to other tape to write the remaining data(856 GB) on 2nd tape.

Can you anyone explain me how to take this tape behavior? This is causing problems to my full backups on the production.

Thank you in advance.

Edited by: USII on Aug 23, 2021 9:23 AM

asked 3 years ago275 views
2 Answers


That is surprising behavior, the only way that the gateway will switch tapes is if it was commanded to switch tapes by the backup software. The tape gateway has 10 tape drives, so it can be written to 10 tapes in parallel.

The backup software usually will have policies that govern how the backup software will itself distribute the data. Often these policies are configurable but you will need to check your software vendor's instructions on how to configure those.


answered 3 years ago

Thank you for your reply.
Yes. You are correct. Its the problem with configuration options at Backup software side. I contacted software vendor and able to fix the issue. Now, Tapes are not sharing the data to write. -Thank you.

answered 3 years ago

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