Ports 80, 443 not working


Hello, my developer sent me this as my online portal is not working.

“I could see port 80, 443 are blocked in my server.

As part of the improvement, the server closed with all unwanted ports which are opened in our account. From the last update, we received from AWS that CPU utilization was high and due to that our website was not working.

However, it came to our attention that the port 80, 443(http, https) were not opened hence the issue with website not working still persists. You can find the attachment as attached here.

Please help to unblock the port for our application to run seamlessly. “

Anyone understands what my developer is trying to tell me from the information above?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


I think you're probably trying to say that ports 80 and 443 are not allowed in the inbound rules of the EC2 instance's security group, so you can't access them.
So, I think they are asking you to configure the same security group rules as described in the document below.
If your application is hosted on EC2, allow ports 80 and 443 in the EC2 security group.
If you are using a load balancer such as ALB, please allow it in the load balancer's security group.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Thank you so much for your input! Have forwarded this to my developer to action on it!

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