Please help me delete my Glacier vault before I go bankrupt


I had been backing up a personal NAS to Glacier but it was costing too much so I decided on another solution.

However, I'm having trouble deleting the vault.

I followed the instructions at, and it said I have one archive. But when I went to delete that archive, I got the error: "An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the DeleteArchive operation: The archive ID was not found: xxxxx...xx".

How can an archive returned by those steps not be found when I try to delete it?

Worse, my attempts to delete the darn thing have cost me over $60 in little over a day! This is not turning out to be the cost-saving measure I had originally hoped for.

Can someone please help me delete this thing?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

So as in the examples at, you get an archive list like this?:

 "VaultARN": "arn:aws:glacier:us-west-2:012345678901:vaults/examplevault",
 "InventoryDate": "2011-12-12T14:19:01Z",
 "ArchiveList": [
     "ArchiveId": "DMTmICA2n5Tdqq5BV2z7og-A20xnpAPKt3UXwWxdWsn_D6auTUrW6kwy5Qyj9xd1MCE1mBYvMQ63LWaT8yTMzMaCxB_9VBWrW4Jw4zsvg5kehAPDVKcppUD1X7b24JukOr4mMAq-oA",
     "ArchiveDescription": "my archive1",
     "CreationDate": "2012-05-15T17:19:46.700Z",
     "Size": 2140123,
     "SHA256TreeHash": "6b9d4cf8697bd3af6aa1b590a0b27b337da5b18988dbcc619a3e608a554a1e62"
     "ArchiveId": "2lHzwhKhgF2JHyvCS-ZRuF08IQLuyB4265Hs3AXj9MoAIhz7tbXAvcFeHusgU_hViO1WeCBe0N5lsYYHRyZ7rrmRkNRuYrXUs_sjl2K8ume_7mKO_0i7C-uHE1oHqaW9d37pabXrSA",
     "ArchiveDescription": "my archive2",
     "CreationDate": "2012-05-15T17:21:39.339Z",
     "Size": 2140123,
     "SHA256TreeHash": "7f2fe580edb35154041fa3d4b41dd6d3adaef0c85d2ff6309f1d4b520eeecda3"

And you get the error you said if you use ArchiveIds like above, e.g. DMTmICA2n5Tdqq5BV2z7og-A20xnpAPKt3UXwWxdWsn_D6auTUrW6kwy5Qyj9xd1MCE1mBYvMQ63LWaT8yTMzMaCxB_9VBWrW4Jw4zsvg5kehAPDVKcppUD1X7b24JukOr4mMAq-oA, in a command like this?:

aws glacier delete-archive --vault-name awsexamplevault --account-id 111122223333 --archive-id="*** archiveid ***"

Are you sure you're using the right account-id, vault-name, archive-id and region?

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
  • Now that's a good question. I didn't see anything in the instructions for a region, but I'm using the console inside of AWS, so perhaps it defaults to an inhospitable region?

    Still, why would the command to list the archives work from that region yet the delete fail from the same region?

    Anyway, I'll check.

  • Ok, that's weird. THIS time it seems to have worked. (I assume that if the delete-archive command returns silently, that means success.)

    Any idea how long it will take for glacier to do a new inventory so that I can delete the vault?

    Thank you for your help!

  • I understand inventories can be done daily. Glad it helped, please Accept my answer if you get around to it to help others find it.

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