Surge in TunnelDataIn and TunnelDataOut traffic



I have two problems with our S2S VPN between an AWS VPC and our onsite router.

  1. We saw surge in the S2S VPN TunnelDataIn and TunnelDataOut on some days in the CloudWatch VPC VPN dashboard. However, when I searched the VPC flow log for the local CIDR range used in the tunnels, the traffic to and fro was very low. How do I find out the source of the traffic for the surge? What could be the cause for it?

  2. I observed that one of the tunnels went down after the traffic surge. It came up again after a while. But we could no longer reach the services in the VPC. It worked for a day or two and then stopped working. The VPN tunnels status were still showing UP and the connections on our on-premise router were also showing connected. How can I make it work again without deleting and re-creating the connections?

Thanks for the help! PH

  • Closing this post as it's due to the wrong configurations in the route table. After I added the 'Next hop' ip address as the default gateway for the services in aws vpc in our on-premise router, it worked.

asked 25 days ago127 views
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