Can't connect to RDS using QuickSight (execution role?)


QuickSight is saying that it doesn’t have permissions to access that database so I went there to find the necessary permissions for it. I aligned the security groups correctly on the console but on "Manage VPC connections" inside QuickSight settings I can't manage to add a VPC connection because it's asking for a "execution role".

Where do I get this? Is that an IAM role? If so, I can't create a role for QuickSight

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1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You will need to create a role for the QuickSight service to assume, below is more information regarding what the execution role is and guided instructions can be found here.

Execution role– An IAM role that contains a trust policy that allows QuickSight to create, update, and delete network infrastructure in your account. This policy is required for all VPC connections. At minimum, the IAM policy needs the following Amazon EC2 permissions:





answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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