i installed wordpress bitnami from ami marketing place after launching instance unable to do ssh


[Enter image description here ]()i installed wordpress bitnami from ami marketing place after launching instance unable to do ssh ssh connection error is occuring inbound rules i enabled port 22,80.3306, & outbound rules All i took storage t3 medium so need to do ssh pls help me on this []()

asked 2 months ago77 views
1 Answer


Judging from the image, I think you are using EC2 Instance Connect, but the AMI in the marketplace may not have EC2 Instance Connect setup.
So, instead of using EC2 Instance Connect, try using a terminal or Teraterm to SSH.
By the way, to use EC2 Instance Connect, you must meet the prerequisites listed in the document below.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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