Instance unresponsive



Instance was unresponsive. Tried rebooting, then stopping it, and then a couple forced stops, but it's still stuck on stopping. Tried to create an image, failed. There was an option to open a support case after it passed 20 minutes being unresponsive, but that seems to have vanished since I tried stopping it. Any ideas?

Instance ID: i-0cd84de1

asked 5 years ago216 views
2 Answers

We were apparently affected by the EC2 operational issue reported in the Personal Health Dashboard (datacenter power outage and generator failure), but the issue has been closed and there has been no additional communication. Is this still being worked on? We're still down. The instance finally stopped, but we've been unable to restart it.

Same instance ID: i-0cd84de1

answered 5 years ago

No need for a reply, the instance has been recovered.

answered 5 years ago

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