EC2 instance will not start - goes pending and then stops


I have an EC2 instance that will go to pending when I try and start it, but then stops.
I don't see any obvious errors, but don't really know a lot about AWS. I set this up years ago and have had no issues until now.

When I look at Volume State, it says Error.

How do I fix it so the instance will start again?

asked a year ago757 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi. Unfortunately you cant salvage data from error volumes.If you have backups restore and create new instance. If not, there is no way.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

Thanks, I was afraid of that. This was a micro instance I had been using since 2015, so not surprised it finally failed.

We didn't lose any data, it is just trying to set something back up that I have touched since 2015 that is the issue. LOL.

answered a year ago

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