Please help me to cancel any charge by cloudwatch


Hi, I don't intention to use any service or function of Cloudwatch. I tried to cancel all of rules and events, but Ị'm still being charged. Please help me to cancel these service so that I will not get any charge by this. $0.034 per million Events for CW:ContributorEventsManaged in Asia Pacific (Sydney) $0.50 per rule per month for CW-Rule-DynamoDB in Asia Pacific (Sydney)

Thank you! Dang Le

3 Answers

Hi, thank you for the information you shared. The rules that you mention pricing of in your first message are not EventBridge rules, they are Contributor Insights rules. Contributor Insights is a feature that runs on CloudWatch Logs, so the menu entry is in the "Logs" section of the menu. To use the AWS CLI as you did, you can try calling aws cloudwatch list-managed-insight-rules and aws cloudwatch describe-insight-rules instead, which will give you the list of contributor insights rules.

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

Hi, there.

Thank you for providing more details. This post has some helpful answers which may help you terminate the source of the charges.

If you're still encountering issues with deleting this rule, please open a support case to our Account & Billing team via our Support Center.

— Zain P.

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Hi, thank you for your information. I tried it, but there is still no rules.

    [cloudshell-user@ip-10-... ]$ aws events list-rules --query 'Rules[*]' [] [cloudshell-user@ip-10-...]$ aws events list-rules { "Rules": [] } [cloudshell-user@ip-10-... ~]$ aws events list-rules --query 'Rules[*].Name' []


For Contributor Insights rules, there is no "Evidently" under Application Signals. Enter image description here

For CloudWatch Rules, I found no rule there. That's why I'm concerning why I'm be in charged. Enter image description here

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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