AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) was unable to renew the certificate automatically using DNS validation


To renew this certificate, you must ensure that the proper CNAME records are present in your DNS configuration for each domain listed below. You can find the CNAME records for your domains by expanding your certificate and its domain entries in the ACM console. You can also use the DescribeCertificate command in the ACM API[1] or the describe-certificate operation in the ACM CLI[2] to find a certificate’s CNAME records. For more information, see Automatic Domain Validation Failure in the ACM troubleshooting guide[3].

We are using AWS managed ACS and I am not clear what action to be done from above description please help ??

1 Answer

DNA validation is one method to prove your ownership of your domain to ACM. For this purpose, you need to find the provided CNAME record in ACM for each domain and ensure that a corresponding CNAME record exists in your DNS hosted zone.

For a step-by-step visual guide of finding the CNAME in ACM console and adding it to the DNS hosted zone please check the below article or video

Blog: Easier Certificate Validation Using DNS with AWS Certificate Manager

Video: Why is my AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate DNS validation status still pending validation?

For more details about DNS validation please check the link below

DNS validation

Hope this helps!

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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