How to fix SageMaker Studio reaches resource limit after about 10 hours of running


I launched my first SageMaker Studio and play with it. After about 10 hours, I was not able to access it, getting this error:

Unable to create app [default] for userProfile [******] space [null] in domain [******]. Reason: Resource limits for this account have been exceeded. Please contact Customer Support for assistance.

I did some research and found I probably need to increase in Service Quotas. However it doesn't indicate which resource limit is hit and I didn't see a quota name relevant to SageMaker studio (There's some about maximum allowed sagemaker studio apps). Which service quota(s) should I increase? Or it should be fixed somewhere else?

Thank you!

asked a year ago404 views
2 Answers

If its to increase service limit for sagemaker notebook nstance , I think could create a support ticket

answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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