Automatically rotate CMKs quarterly


Hi AWS enthusiast,

I am working on a project that require me to rotate the CMKs automatically each quarter. Therefore, I create this case to ask for the solution to implement this requirement. Also, if you know any special consideration when implement this issue for example the services using the CMKs will be interrupted when rotatation, please notice me.

Thanks, Steven

  • Other than being your project requirement, will you be able to share a specific reason that key has to be rotated every quarter? Curious to know the motivation behind frequent rotation.

asked a year ago326 views
1 Answer

Automatic Key Rotation will rotate key material once per year

There isn't a setting in KMS to make this happen more frequently, to rotate keys quarterly (as in your case) you would have to disable automatic key rotation and rotate the keys manually

You might prefer to rotate keys manually so you can control the rotation frequency

This knowledge document goes through the steps to do this and the accompanying video is at

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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