ACM Renew issue with Correct DNS


I have problem to verify (renew) ACM Certificate for domain. Verification is by DNS and DNS are correctly set. Renewal eligibility is "Eligible". Certificate is associated with Load Balancer. This is the 3th renew. Renewal status is still "Pending validation" 15 days before expiration. Can anyone help?

2 Answers


Please, check the troubleshooting guide here:, but usually the problem is related with the CNAME configuration in your DNS. I assume that you did this several days ago so it should not be a propagation problem. Check the DNS configuration using some web query tools to be sure that the register is resolved correctly. Again, i think you have a problem with the DNS. As explained on the documentation if the certificate is active in an AWS Service, and the DNS is ok, it should automatically autorenew starting 60 days before the expiration. The system check for it every hour.

If none of this works, please contact support team to check the reason.


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago
  • Thanks for the reply, I will have to contact AWS support, DNS are correct.

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