I have a problem with ec2 instance.


I'm using ec2 ubuntu as website server but yesterday, suddenly the instance didn't reply and I can't access to the instance. After to stop and restart the instance , I can do access to the instance. Please help me how to see and fix the problem.

asked a month ago56 views
2 Answers


What are you using for the instance type?
Also, is there any load on the CPU or memory?
When using t2.micro, etc., when the CPU usage rate increases, CPU burst credits are consumed to temporarily increase performance.
However, once the CPU credits are used up, the performance will drop to the baseline throughput, which will affect the operation of the application.

Have you checked the system logs and web server error logs for the time period when connection was not possible?

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

I assume that you using EC2 Instance Connect and SSH to your instance via browser. If you do nothing in the SSH console on browser, after a while you must reload the page to continue to using.

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answered a month ago

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