batch_writer.put_item not inserting all records also gives error "Float types are not supported. Use Decimal types instead."


I am trying to load a CSV file with only 237 rows. I am using the below Python code for that. Also, I am trying to generate a CSV file with the "bad" rows for analysis. One column called "createDate" must be inserted as NUMBER. The problem is when I convert that to string in data frame, 233 records gets inserted but 237 - 233 = 4 rows not in my log file. When I try to insert as Int, then only 125 rows inserted, the log file contains only 5 rows. What I am missing here? Why it is inserting fewer rows and if not inserting why they are not in my log file?

#import required libraries..
import json
import boto3
import csv
import sys
import pandas as pd
import ast
import botocore
from botocore.config import Config
import asyncio
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

# Saubhik: This will load csv file from local to AWS DynamoDB.

#Access Credentials

#Change the access key as per your need.
a_key = "AAAAAAAAAA"

# Change the sccret key as per your need.
a_S_key = "mmxxxxxxx+maskedHAM"

# Change the region as required
region= 'ap-south-1'

#Dataset contains lots of duplicate, So overwrite_keys provided. You cannot perform multiple 
# operations on the same item in the same BatchWriteItem request. 
overwrite_keys = ["mpmID"]

#CSV file name, change this as per your need

# Error file name.
errorfile = "C:\Saubhik\Project\DynamoDB\CSV\mycsv_error.csv"

# Connecting to DynamoDB

dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb",
                    retries={"max_attempts": 5 , "mode": "adaptive"},

# DynamoDB table name, change it as per need.

    table = dynamodb.Table("mvwcsv8jun")
except Exception as error:
    print("Error loading DynamoDB table. Check if table was created correctly and environment variable")
    print (error)    

 # CSV Reading using Panda data frame - SB. 
Customers = pd.read_csv(filename, dtype={'createDate': 'Int32', 

#Reconvert everything to string. 
#If I uncomment this line, DynamoDB is inserting 233 rows (almost all)
# If I comment out the line DynamoDB is inserting 125 rows, but in log files only 4 rows.
# The error is "Float types are not supported. Use Decimal types instead."

#Customers = Customers.astype(str)
    #Trying to write in batch to get faster inserts. overwrite_by_pkeys=overwrite_keys
  with table.batch_writer(overwrite_by_pkeys=overwrite_keys) as batch:
    for i,record in enumerate(Customers.to_dict("records")):
        # add to dynamodb
                Item = (record)
            if len(batch['UnprocessedItems']) == 0:
                print('Wrote 25 items to dynamo')
                #await asyncio.sleep(5)
                print('Hit write limit, backing off then retrying')
        except Exception as error:
            print("End of Data Load.. starting new batch automatically..")
            #Writing an error file.
                with open(errorfile, 'a') as f:
            except Exception as error:
except Exception as error:

For 125 rows this is the log: Float types are not supported. Use Decimal types instead. {'cognitoSub': 'b61016f2-2172-4125-811d-b5b63d501386', 'customerIdHash': 'c553dc3283c858d600428ab9da98653a77b7cd25b18d42f7e342f50e3dd2811d', 'username': 'baba123', 'createDate': 1621267106, 'mpmID': 'a0U7i0000065Z8xEAE'} End of Data Load.. starting new batch automatically.. Float types are not supported. Use Decimal types instead. {'cognitoSub': '3df39da3-0b81-4829-a7bc-963229d80689', 'customerIdHash': '5ffc0526350ea7b88d8ecfb180401b69a9a62560f10d8a0a0ac8190f58526c3a', 'username': 'albertoperez11593478', 'createDate': 1678917593, 'mpmID': 'a0U7i0000064pelEAA'} End of Data Load.. starting new batch automatically.. Float types are not supported. Use Decimal types instead. {'cognitoSub': '145e8cbc-0641-4b1b-b348-5fce4737ffab', 'customerIdHash': '90aa5ce118ee22ba9886562b3610925a6d9756ca5cd5cef44c56d348ec222d36', 'username': 'jones_jeff1', 'createDate': 1584473346, 'mpmID': 'a0U7i00000661PnEAI'} End of Data Load.. starting new batch automatically.. Float types are not supported. Use Decimal types instead. {'cognitoSub': '8cb9eb6d-bd4b-45eb-8e8d-9b9a585beea3', 'customerIdHash': '44719f84a7bcab4b8e35365e1d5903269e287a19279fc669bcb6a67b4c29ea97', 'username': 'shaban1', 'createDate': 1622571432, 'mpmID': 'a0U7i0000065YGHEA2'} End of Data Load.. starting new batch automatically.. Float types are not supported. Use Decimal types instead. For 233 rows (as string) there is none.

asked a year ago834 views
1 Answer


I have run into this issue before and I think its coming from the fact that DynamoDB does not support floating point numbers, which is why you're seeing the error "Float types are not supported." You could use Decimal types instead.

I have done this with the following code:

from decimal import Decimal
    def float_to_decimal(value: Union[float, str]) -> Union[Decimal, str]:
        if isinstance(value, float):
            if math.isnan(value):
                return ""
                return Decimal(str(value))
        return value

Not sure if that will solve the whole issue but maybe a start.


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Zac Dan
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for your answer. I can convert that column to integer when reading into data frame: Customers = pd.read_csv(filename, dtype={'createDate': 'Int32', 'cognitoSub':str, 'customerIdHash':str, 'username':str, 'mpmID':str} The problem is then it is inserting only 145 record out of 237 and log file contains only 5 rows with that error, So, I am not sure what is happening with rest 87 odd rows. Latter If I use Customers = Customers.astype(str) then it is inserting 233 rows but nor rows in my log file, So not sure about what happens to rest 4 rows.

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