Aurora Global Databases


Is Global database is a feature of Aurora? can i use global database along with rds provisioned without using aurora instances

2 Answers


Yes, global database is a feature available in Aurora.
This is a feature not found in regular RDS database engines.

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answered a month ago


Yes, Amazon Aurora Global Databases is a feature of Aurora that allows you to create a single database that spans multiple AWS regions.

However, you cannot use Global Database with RDS provisioned instances without using Aurora instances. Global Database is a feature exclusive to Aurora and requires Aurora instances to function.

To use Global Database, you must:

  1. Create an Aurora primary instance in one region.
  2. Create Aurora read replicas in other regions.
  3. Enable Global Database on the primary instance.

You cannot use RDS instances (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) with Global Database. You must use Aurora instances.

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answered a month ago

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