HELP, I am not technical, My AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) was unable to renew the certificate automatically using DNS validation. How can I solve this?


My AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) was unable to renew the certificate automatically using DNS validation. I received an email that I must take action to ensure that the renewal can be completed. But I have no idea how to solve this as I am not technical, can someone help?

2 Answers
profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Automatic renewal through DNS happens only when you are using R53 to manage your domains. Else you can try email validation Email-validated certificates require an action by the domain owner. ACM begins sending renewal notices 45 days before expiration, using the domain's WHOIS mailbox addresses and to five common administrator addresses. The notifications contain a link that the domain owner can click for easy renewal. Once all listed domains are validated, ACM issues a renewed certificate with the same ARN.

See Validate with Email for instructions on identifying which domains are in the PENDING_VALIDATION state and repeating the validation process for those domains.

answered 2 years ago

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