SYNTAX_ERROR: line 26:7: Unexpected parameters (varchar) for function substr


SELECT T1."PDC_CODE" "c1", substr(cast(T2."RECEIVING_DATE" as varchar)) "c2", sum(T2."QTY_RECEIVED") "c3", T3."SUPPLIER_SOURCE" "c4"

SYNTAX_ERROR: line 26:7: Unexpected parameters (varchar) for function substr. Expected: substr(varchar(x), bigint, bigint) , substr(varchar(x), bigint) , substr(char(x), bigint) , substr(char(x), bigint, bigint) , substr(varbinary, bigint, bigint) , substr(varbinary, bigint)

asked 2 years ago369 views
1 Answer


A parameter parameter's value is not compatible with the corresponding type. For example: {% if parameters.change_value._parameter_value == "'AA'" %}. Review the parameter type to ensure that the value evaluates correctly (type: string versus type: unquoted).

answered 2 years ago

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