Basic difference between DID Number or Toll free Number


Hi Team,

Can you please explain to me a little bit in detail about the Basic difference between DID Number and a Toll-free Number? During my Amazon Instance creation time, what types of numbers should I claim and why? I am trying to make a aws connect flow from India and test the same flow from India.

asked a year ago290 views
1 Answer


Difference between DID and Toll free: 1- DID: DID is an abbreviation for ( Direct Inward Dialing ). to simplify it for you, its a Local landline number and the reason for you choose claiming landline number ( DID ) depends on your business case, but generally this line can be dialed from anywhere all over the world. Customer ( end user ) normally will be charged making this call whether if they made the call from the same country you claimed the number from or if they dialed its internationally.

2- Toll free number: is usually has the example of 0800/0900. Choosing toll free line depends as well on your business case, toll free numbers usually can be dialed only from the country you are claiming the number for. As an example, if you claimed Japanese Toll free line, so this line can be dialed only from inside Japan. Customer ( end user ) will not be charged for this call and this is why its called ( toll free ) but again its possible to dial the number only from Japan using Japanese line and not from outside.

Best Regards, Ramy Hussein

answered a year ago

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