I verified the account and used it for a few days but then the account was locked.


I verified the account and used it for a few days but then the account was locked. I received an email asking to send 1 bill of visa card, after sending, I was charged 1 USD but my account is still locked. I live in Vietnam so my bill only has name but no phone number and address. Is there any way to unlock my account or refund me, I don't have any bill in this aws account.

asked a year ago400 views
1 Answer

I'm very sorry for any trouble.

Please connect with our Support team for assistance, you may use this contact form if you're unable to log in: http://go.aws/account-support. They'll have the tools and visibility to review further.

  • Lex D.
answered a year ago
  • I contacted in 3/4/2023 but they forward to program support team. And now 12/4/2023 I don't get any help

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