Glue crawler failed to create.


Hi all, I'm using AWS Free tier (12months) and I have created s3 buckets with csv data in it. But when i create the glue crawler it gives an access denied error and failed to crawl metadata. I've created the role access as per documentation (i.e. glue documentation.) Any support for this is helpful.

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asked a year ago1.1K views
1 Answer

Here is how I'd troubleshoot and isolate the issue:

  1. Does role have access to s3 bucket, where the files reside, specifically (s3:ListBucket and s3:GetObject)
  2. Is there any bucket policy defined for this bucket, which might be denying the role to have access to underlying objects
  3. Is this bucket KMS CMK encrypted, if yes then does role have "kms:Decrypt" access to that key

Since you mentioned that you have followed the AWS documentation, so you would have completed the crawler prerequisites and Create an IAM role for AWS Glue.

Hope you find this helpful.


profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • To check the possibility of accessing the csv file I made it publicly accessible and IAM role was created in AWS glue console so it's permissions are as of AWS recommended. Yet this issue exist.

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