is it possible to make cloudwatch alarm to track credit


we have AWS credits given by AWS. currently, our monthly bill is zero as credits are being used. I want to monitor the credit being used per month. whenever credit usage goes beyond a specific limit, I want to be notified. but my alarm does not trigger as I always have a $ 0$ bill on my billing dashboard due to credits available in my account. currently, I have a Cloudwatch alarm with a metric name "EstimatedCharges". I have set the condition to trigger an alarm when the bill goes above 1 dollar. this alarm sends a message to the SNS topic and it will send a notification to AWS LAMBDA. when the LAMBDA function triggers, it sends an alarm msg to Google Chat. I can use AWS budget, but it will only send messages to email only. so I can't use AWS Budget. Is it possible to track my credit usage?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

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