DCV cannot access the 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1].



I have the following error while running the dcvgldiag and dcv sessions fails on creations could anyone please advice ?

# dcvgldiag

NICE DCV - Diagnostic Script

Date:             Thu, 16 May 2024 14:49:18 +0300

Host:             viz32
Architecture:     x86_64
Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.8 (Ootpa)
Kernel Version:   4.18.0-477.10.1.el8_8.x86_64
Nvidia GPU:       Quadro P6000, Quadro P6000
Nvidia Driver:    525.60.13
Runlevel:         3

X configuration file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf

DCV GL (GLVND) is enabled for 64 bit applications.

Running tests: ................... DONE

ERROR (1/1)

  DCV cannot access the 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1].

  Please, stop the 3D X Server and disable DCV with 'dcvgladmin disable'.
Then enable DCV with 'dcvgladmin enable' and restart the 3D X Server.

here is the full report

# cat /root/dcvgldiag-fnuArX
NICE DCV - Diagnostic Script

Date:             Thu, 16 May 2024 16:41:13 +0300

Host:             viz32
Architecture:     x86_64
Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.8 (Ootpa)
Kernel Version:   4.18.0-477.10.1.el8_8.x86_64
Nvidia GPU:       Quadro P6000, Quadro P6000
Nvidia Driver:    550.54.14
Runlevel:         unknown

X configuration file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Detected RHEL or CentOS or Oracle system
The following DCV server package is installed:

The following XDCV package is installed:

The following DCV-GL package is installed:

The 'dcv' command is located at: /usr/bin/dcv
The 'dcvgladmin' command is located at: /usr/sbin/dcvgladmin

The DCV configuration file is readable.

The DCV-GL configuration file is readable.

DCV GL (GLVND) is enabled for 64 bit applications.

The DCV_GL_DISPLAY environment variable is not set, reading the 'dcv.conf' file

Detected RHEL or CentOS or Oracle system
TEST: Check if the Operating System is supported (E)

DCV supports only the following operating systems:
- Red Hat Enterpise Linux 6.7 or later and 7.5 or later
- CentOS 6.7 or later and 7.5 or later
- Amazon Linux 2
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 or later
- Ubuntu 18.04

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# check_system

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: Basic network configuration (E)

Check if the host name is correctly resolved and the associated IP can be reached.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# ping -c 1 viz32 2>/dev/null | grep '1 received'
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms

Test Result: SUCCESS

Checking X Required packages...
X Required packages are installed.
TEST: X Window System required packages are installed (E)

Check if the required packages for the X Windows system are installed

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# check_x_required_packages

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: The 3D X Server has a configuration file. (E)

Check if the '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' file is available.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# [ -r "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ]

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: The 3D X Server is configured to use the NVIDIA driver (E)

Check if in the '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' file there is at least one device using the NVIDIA driver.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# check_x_nvidia_device
    Driver         "nvidia"
    Driver         "nvidia"

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: X server configuration when no monitor is connected (W)

Check if the X server is appropriately configured in case there is no monitor connected to the video card adapter.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# cat "$X_CONF" | egrep -i '^[^#]*Option[[:space:]]+"{0,1}UseDisplayDevice"{0,1}"[[:space:]]+"{0,1}none"{0,1}'
    Option         "UseDisplayDevice" "none"
    Option         "UseDisplayDevice" "none"

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: X server configuration when no monitor is connected (W)

Check if the X server is appropriately configured in case there is no monitor connected to the video card adapter.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# cat "$X_CONF" | egrep -i '^[^#]*Option[[:space:]]+"{0,1}UseDisplayDevice"{0,1}"[[:space:]]+"{0,1}none"{0,1}'
    Option         "UseDisplayDevice" "none"
    Option         "UseDisplayDevice" "none"

Test Result: SUCCESS

Found X for display :0 [PID: 4047]

TEST: Access to the 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1] (E)

Check if applications running with DCV are able to access the 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1]

Test Output (exit code: 1):

[root@viz32 root]# has_xaccess :0.0 :0.1

Test Result: ERROR

DCV cannot access the 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1].

Please, stop the 3D X Server and disable DCV with 'dcvgladmin disable'.
Then enable DCV with 'dcvgladmin enable' and restart the 3D X Server.

TEST: GLX support in 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1] (E)

Check the GLX extension is available for the 3D X Server ':0.0 :0.1

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# has_glx :0.0 :0.1

Test Result: SUCCESS

Found 480 visuals supporting 24bpp on display :0.0.
Found 480 visuals supporting 24bpp on display :0.1.
TEST: 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1] color depth (E)

Check the 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1] run with depth 24.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# has_depth24 :0.0 :0.1

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1] virtual terminal (E)

Check the 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1] is running on the active VT.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# test vt4 = vt4

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: NVIDIA card is installed (W)

Check if a NVIDIA card is installed by trying to execute the 'lspci' command and parsing the output.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# lspci | grep -i nvidia >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: Nouveau kernel module is not loaded (E)

Check if in the nouveau kernel module is loaded.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# check_nouveau

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: NVIDIA driver is installed (E)

Check if the NVIDIA driver is installed by trying to execute the 'nvidia-smi' command and parsing the output.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# nvidia-smi -a 2>&1 | grep 'Driver Version'
Driver Version                            : 550.54.14

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: NVIDIA driver version (E)

Check if the NVIDIA driver version is 340.24 or newer

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# cmp_versions "550.54.14" "340.24"

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: NVIDIA kernel module is loaded (E)

Check if the NVIDIA kernel module is correctly loaded by the Linux kernel.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# lsmod 2>&1 | grep -i ^nvidia
nvidia_uvm           4657152  2
nvidia_drm             98304  4
nvidia_modeset       1339392  2 nvidia_drm
nvidia              53997568  65 nvidia_uvm,nvidia_modeset

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: NVIDIA device file permissions (W)

Check if the NVIDIA device files have the right permissions.

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# check_dev_files_permissions
File: /dev/nvidia0 - Permissions: 666
File: /dev/nvidia1 - Permissions: 666
File: /dev/nvidiactl - Permissions: 666
File: /dev/nvidia-modeset - Permissions: 666
File: /dev/nvidia-uvm - Permissions: 666
File: /dev/nvidia-uvm-tools - Permissions: 666

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: OpenGL 64-bit libraries are installed (E)

Check if the NVIDIA OpenGL 64-bit libraries are installed

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# check_opengl_libs x86_64
NVIDIA OpenGL 64-bit library dispatcher found

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: GPU frame rate could drop to 1 FPS (I)

Check if the GPU frame rate could drop to 1 FPS

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# check_potential_gpu_fps_drop "550.54.14"

Test Result: SUCCESS

TEST: The 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1] is using the NVIDIA driver (E)

Check if the 3D X Server is using the NVIDIA driver

Test Output (exit code: 0):

[root@viz32 root]# has_nvidia :0.0 :0.1

Test Result: SUCCESS

asked 20 days ago78 views
1 Answer

Is this a console or virtual session? Run the command dcv list-sessions to verify

Your output should be something like this

% dcv list-sessions
Session: 'console' (owner:dcvuser type:console)

dcvgldiag comes with DCV-GL package and is for checking GPU-accelerated OpenGL support in virtual session.

More info at Introduction to NICE DCV sessions

Screenshot below is for dcv virtual session on g4dn with NVIDIA driver and DCV-GL package installed. Enter image description here

If you want to check for OpenGL acceleration for either console or virtual session, you can run dcvgltest from nice-dcv-gltest package to verify.

answered 19 days ago
profile picture
reviewed 12 days ago

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