How to take backup of sql server on Another windows machine


Hi All,

We have multiple sql servers installed on windows on prem environment, now plan is migrate those to AWS RDS.. We are planning to us below method.

  1. Native import/Export using S3 and the restore and 2) DMS

Now my question is aroung Native import/export . Question:-

  1. We dont have access to those sql server database servers, now if we try to take back up then its always storing on local machine where SQL Server is installed.
  2. Now if we have to take backup of all these databases on remote server (Jump server) and then upload to s3 , then how we will be able to achieve this.
1 Answer

As I understand, you want to migrate Microsoft Sql database from on-prem to AWS RDS and you are not sure about the next steps to be followed after uploading the backups to S3 bucket.

Once the upload is done successfully, the next step is to Restore the databases in Amazon RDS for Sql Server. There are certain steps to be followed in order to achieve that. I suggest you to please refer this documentation. It has step-by-step information that will help you in restoring the backup database from S3 to RDS.

This, link might also be helpful to you. If you face any problems or need further assistance while migrating your databases then it would be better to reach out to any DMS engineer of AWS Premium Support.

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answered 2 years ago

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