Error calling startBuild: Cannot have more than 1 builds in queue for the account


Hello, I have three pipelines set up in an account triggered from the same Github source. A push to the source triggers a build in all three pipelines at the same time.

I consistently get the error:

Error calling startBuild: Cannot have more than 1 builds in queue for the account (Service: AWSCodeBuild; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccountLimitExceededException; Request ID: fe66f88b-803c-4747-9fc0-1eb89e55bb39; Proxy: null)

I checked account quotas and all environments have a quota applied of 15 (with the exception of GPU/Xlarge environments). The environments are on-demand CodeBuild Amazon Linux 2023 AArch64 standard:3.0 environments. These errors started happening after we created the third pipeline in CDK a week ago.

The account ID is 533267148632 and the region is eu-central-1

I am going to create more pipelines in this account soon, so any suggestions or workarounds are welcome.


asked 6 months ago131 views
1 Answer

I've requested a quota increase for concurrent builds on august the 15th which was processed on the 27th.

I am glad to inform you that we've approved and processed your request for CodeBuild. Your new limit value for: Maximum Number of Concurrent Builds is 100.

Pipelines have been operating smoothly ever since. As for workarounds, I can't think of any except moving from a mono-repo to multi-repo, which would ofc reduce the potential for concurrent builds.

answered 4 months ago

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