Postgres RDS major version support dates


When a new major version of a database is available, how long does it take for RDS to support it? I'm interested specifically about Postgres 15 which is expected to come out on Oct 15th 2022

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi, @ArianaH.

The Amazon RDS FAQ provides the following guidance.

However, as a general guidance, we aim to support new engine versions within 5 months of their general availability.

However, while PostgreSQL 14 first released on September 30, 2021, Amazon RDS supported it on Jan 27, 2022.

For reference, the first release of PostgreSQL 14 was September 30, 2021, but Amazon RDS supported it on Jan 27, 2022.

PostgreSQL 13 was first released on September 24, 2020 and supported on Amazon RDS on Feb 24, 2021.

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answered 2 years ago

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