Pinpoint In App Message Campaign Display Count


We want to know display count of in app message for user endpoint. Our mobile team send custom event for increasing display count. How can we see displayed in app message count according to user endpoint ? It is important for us because we will add controls in mobile side according to displayed in app message count for user's endpoint.

1 Answer

To see the displayed in-app message count for a user's endpoint, you can follow these steps:

Use the Amazon Pinpoint GetInAppMessages API to retrieve the in-app messages for the user's endpoint. This API call will return a JSON-formatted list of the in-app messages that the user is eligible to receive.

In the response from the GetInAppMessages API, you can find the
attribute for each in-app message. This attribute represents the number of times the in-app message has been displayed to the user.

You can then use this
information to add controls in your mobile app based on the displayed in-app message count for the user's endpoint.

answered 4 months ago
  • Hi, I searched all page for displayCount. But i didnt find this attribute in GetInAppMessages API response. Could you please share screen shot ?

  • Use the GetInAppMessages API to retrieve the list of in-app messages for the user's endpoint. In the response, you can find the following relevant information: AccountAttributes : An array of AccountAttribute objects, which may contain additional metadata about the in-app messages. NextToken : A token to be used for the next set of paginated results, if applicable. To find the displayCount for each in-app message, you may need to explore the AccountAttributes object further or make additional API calls to retrieve the necessary information.

  • Hi, Which API should i call for retrieve displayCount value ?

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