Available options for replicating to a Region that already has (20) concurrent replications


Hi re:Post, When trying to add a new replicated snapshot to our Oregon region, we came across this error: Cannot replicate more than 20 instances to this region

So I'm asking if (20) is the limit, it seems that (20) is the limit via: Enter image description here

So is there a way to increase beyond (20) or shall we just replicate to another region that has not hit the (20) limit (like say to our N. California region which only has (7) currently) ?

Thank you for your time and help! Best Regards, Donald

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asked 24 days ago58 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


How many copies of snapshots are you trying to copy to Oregon region at the same time?

Concurrent snapshot copies of 20 snapshots is a hard limit from AWS and can't be increased. I understand from the official documentation that there is no strict limitation on the number of snapshots you can copy to a specific region but a limitation of 20 concurrent copies ongoing.


Documentation says

You can have up to 20 snapshot copy requests in progress to a single destination Region per account.

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answered 24 days ago
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reviewed 22 days ago
  • Sivaraman has been very helpful and answered our questions! Please close this ticket. Best Regards, Donald


Hi Sivaraman! Thank you for your quick reply and help. Regarding, "How many copies of snapshots are you trying to copy to Oregon region at the same time?" (20) replicated snapshots. Regarding, "I understand from the official documentation that there is no strict limitation on the number of snapshots you can copy to a specific region." So I read there is a limitation, (20), co-current replications, "You can have up to 20 snapshot copy requests in progress to a single destination Region per account." So only replications count against the (20) limit but copies of snapshots do not ? Thank you for your time and help! Best Regards, Donald

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answered 24 days ago
  • Yes, The limit of 20 concurrent snapshot copy requests applies only to simultaneous operations. Once few of the copy operations completes, you can initiate new copy requests up to the limit again. This allows you to gradually copy snapshots to your desired region.

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