Quickstart of Workspaces not working (no response)


I am using the quickstart for workspaces, as per instructions, set the users info, select bundle, then review page and the button "Create".

Clicking creative does nothing, it provides no visual feedback, just doesn't do anything and I am confused as to why and what can I do here, I have tried another browser to confirm if this was a browser specific issue but same problem.

Any guidance on this?

  • Are you following these instructions? What step are you running into issues at exactly?

  • I am having the same issue with WorkSpaces quick start; specified a few users, selected a bundle and click CREATE, nothing happens, messages or other indicators.

  • Following the instructions correctly yes, it's specifically like SHA mentioned, the CREATE button doesn't work, it provides no message, no error, just doesn't react.

  • Hello, thank you for reaching out. We are aware of this issue and should be fixed by the end of day (8/3). We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. In the meantime, you can perform this procedure if you would rather not wait:

    1. Create a Simple AD Directory by following the steps here [1]. Please note that Simple AD is recommended for proof of concept / development workloads. For production, I would advise to create a Managed AD Directory or AD Connector against a self managed Directory (either EC2 or onprem)
    2. Once the Directory has been created, register it with WorkSpaces by following the steps here [2].
    3. Once the Directory has been registered, you can create a WorkSpace by following the steps here [3].

    By following the above steps you should be able to launch your WorkSpace. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or comments. We are here to assist you.

    Have a great day ahead!

    [1] Create a Simple AD directory - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/directoryservice/latest/admin-guide/how_to_create_simple_ad.html

    [2] Register a directory with WorkSpaces - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workspaces/latest/adminguide/register-deregister-directory.html

    [3] Launch a WorkSpace using Simple AD - Step 2: Create a WorkSpace - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workspaces/latest/adminguide/launch-workspace-simple-ad.html#create-workspace-simple-ad

Max Lex
asked 10 months ago348 views
2 Answers

Max, thank you for taking time to write a question on re:Post.

I am looking into this with the service team. There may be something behind the scenes. I will update this answer as I gather more information.

EDIT: Please see the solution below.

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • Ok I wait info, seems other user also reported the same button not providing any feedback or going through, the Create button isn't providing any message, error or visual feedback, just doesn't work.


Hello, thank you for reaching out. We are aware of this issue and should be fixed by the end of day (8/3). We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. In the meantime, you can perform this procedure if you would rather not wait:

  1. Create a Simple AD Directory by following the steps here [1]. Please note that Simple AD is recommended for proof of concept / development workloads. For production, I would advise to create a Managed AD Directory or AD Connector against a self managed Directory (either EC2 or onprem)
  2. Once the Directory has been created, register it with WorkSpaces by following the steps here [2].
  3. Once the Directory has been registered, you can create a WorkSpace by following the steps here [3].

By following the above steps you should be able to launch your WorkSpace. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or comments. We are here to assist you.

Have a great day ahead!

[1] Create a Simple AD directory - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/directoryservice/latest/admin-guide/how_to_create_simple_ad.html

[2] Register a directory with WorkSpaces - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workspaces/latest/adminguide/register-deregister-directory.html

[3] Launch a WorkSpace using Simple AD - Step 2: Create a WorkSpace - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workspaces/latest/adminguide/launch-workspace-simple-ad.html#create-workspace-simple-ad

answered 10 months ago

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