lambda is already on Java 8 AL2 but it is still showing in affected resources


A lot of my lambdas which are already on Java8 AL2 are still showing under affected resources in Lambda operational notification. Why is this happening and how to fix this?

asked 9 months ago198 views
1 Answer


Thank you for reaching out to AWS with your query. From your question I understand that despite having all your Lambda functions with Java 8 AL2 runtime, they still get highlighted in your Operational checks.

Please feel free to open an Support case from your AWS Support Dashboard Console and reach out to the technical team. They would be able to assist you with checking if there are any additional issues that might have triggered this notification and perform a detailed investigation.

At this time, based on the docs available, with the addition of the java8.al2 and provided.al2 runtimes, it is now possible to run Java 8 (Corretto), Go, and custom runtimes on AL2. It also means that the latest version of all supported runtimes can now run on AL2.,and%20custom%20runtimes%20on%20AL2.

answered 9 months ago

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