Access kinesis data streams of west region to south region into kinesis firehose as a source


we have kinesis data stream on us-west-2 region and we would like to access the same data stream into kinesis firhose which is exists in ap-south-1. Please suggest what action needs to be taken to access data stream as source into firehose.

asked a year ago710 views
1 Answer

One approach would be when deciding how to replicate data from a data stream in Region A to a data stream in Region B, there are several strategies that involve a consumer reading data off of the primary stream and sending that data cross-Region to the secondary data stream. This would act as a replicator service, responsible for copying the data between the two streams, maintaining a relatively low latency to replicate and ensuring data isn’t lost during this replication.

Because replication off of a shared throughput data stream could impact the flow of data in a production workload, we recommend using the enhanced fan-out feature of Kinesis Data Streams consumers to ensure replication doesn’t have an impact on consumption latency. This blog may provide an idea

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answered a year ago

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