Dynamic amount of artifcats outputted in codebuild


I have a codepipeline triggered by codecommit that should build lambdas and deploy zips to s3, but what lambdas are build is determined in codebuild when it reads a json file. how can i choose how many zip artifacts should be outputted to s3. should i use the aws cli in my buildspec or there are other ways.

depending on the project it could be from 1 to 100 lambdas in each repo that i want to build pipeline for so i can't just use secondary artifacts in by codebuild

1 Answer

To handle a dynamic number of artifacts in AWS CodeBuild, you can use the AWS CLI within your buildspec file to dynamically upload your build artifacts to S3. This approach provides flexibility as the number of artifacts can vary, and it avoids the limitations of statically defining secondary artifacts in CodeBuild.

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answered 2 months ago

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