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How to create a Delete flow for AWS MediaConnect, MediaLive, MediaPackage and CloudFront?


Hi, I want to create a delete resources function which can delete AWS MediaConnect Flow, MediaLive Channel then MediaLive Inputs, MediaPackage Endpoints then MediaPackage Channel, Disable CloudFront distribution and then delete it using JS v3 SDK.

If i make separate calls for each deletion, the MediaLive inputs wont delete as they can only be deleted once the channel they are attached to has been deleted. MediaPackage channel also has the same issue as the endpoint has to be deleted first.

Is there a way I can delete them one by one or event based for dependent calls, as some of the calls are dependent on others.

1 Answer

In this CloudFormation Template you have a Step Function that will delete the Medialive and MediaPackage resources.

The diagram for the step function is shown here:

You just need to change the step function to cater for your use case.

answered a year ago

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