Unable to login to AWS Console, instead of being prompted for authentication code I get 400 Bad Request


I cannot log into my AWS account. After I enter my password, instead of asking for my MFA code, I get 400 Bad request. I've Tried using Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. I've tried clearing my cache, I've tried another computer, and even get the error on the Iphone AWS Console APP. I also tried going on TMobile hotspot to rule out an issue with my router. If I intentionally mistype password I get a normal password error with captcha so its not an authentication issue. All external services on the account appear to be running, but I cannot login to verify more than that.

There full error I get is:

400 Bad Request You may have typed the address incorrectly or you may have used an outdated link. Please clear your cookies and try the request again. If the problem persists, please contact Support. We apologize for the inconvenience.

I've filled out the form to request help twice, but it's been 12 hours and no response. I've use this account for many years but have never faced this issue.

Any help would be appreciated.

  • I'll add that this is my root user account I am trying to log into.

asked a year ago293 views
1 Answer

Hello Edward,

It looks like you've been able to resolve your account access issues since you posted this question. For future reference, you can learn more about sign-in issues at My AWS Management Console credentials aren't working or I can't sign in because my credentials don't work. Thank you for your continued involvement in the re:Post community!

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago

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