Unable to terminate "Virtual Private Cloud" - "You do not have permission to access the specified resource."



Recently I am been charged in my AWS account for "Amazon Virtual Private Cloud VpcEndpoint". I have tried to terminate the associated services - Subnets, Network interfaces, Public Ip's etc.. But it's not allowing me to proceed and says user dont have permission to do the action. I have been trying with root user for my console but not working.

Its been charged every hour for those services which currently I am not using. Please terminate all the services which are chargeable on my AWS console at the earliest.

With Thanks, Vinoth

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asked a year ago648 views
2 Answers

Am I correct in recognizing that the error in the image occurred when you tried to remove the network interface?
Perhaps an Elastic IP is configured on the network interface.
First, please unassociate this Elastic IP address.
The Elastic IP should then be released.

If you can unassociate the Elastic IP, you should be able to delete the network interface.
If the above actions do not remove the resource, it is possible that another resource is using the network interface.
In such cases, the resource using the network interface must be identified and deleted.
The most common cases are tied to an NLB or used by a NAT Gateway.

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answered a year ago
  • Hi, I tried to disassociate the Elastic IP, But it errors out as "You dont have permission to access the specified resource". I logged in as root user.

  • The error occurs when that network interface is attached to some other resource. For example, is it attached to a NAT Gateway or NLB? In such cases, the NAT Gateway or NLB must be removed first.


You mention "VpcEndpoint" in your question. To me, this indicates that there is a VPC Private Endpoint for an AWS service in your VPC. You can't delete the ENI attached to that because it is owned by the service that the endpoint is there for.

But, you can delete the enpdoint - which will delete the ENI. To do this, go into the console, go to the VPC service and look at what is configured under "Endpoints".

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answered a year ago

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