lambda throttle affect another stable lambda throttle


We have two lambda services, when first lambda reach concurrent limit or burst issue and start throttle, the second lambda start throttle too. We need to know why second lambda throttle by first lambda? The lambda resources should be independent and not to disturb another? thanks reply,

asked 3 months ago90 views
1 Answer


I thought it was related to the number of concurrent Lambda executions in the AWS account itself.
This should be the total for the AWS account region, not for each Lambda, so depending on the number of concurrent executions in the first Lambda, the second Lambda will also be affected.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Let me explain the detail, our account region has 2000 concurrency. We set concurrent limit A lambda 250 and B lambda 50. when A lambda request increase sharply, A reach concurrent 250 and throttling. But B concurrency only reach less than 10, B throttling also. We found B lambda request has no increase just like common. why B follow A throttling ?

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