Free credits for using Sagemaker JumpStart


Hello, recently I used SageMaker JumpStart to deploy an embedding model and a large language model. Although my account is free tier eligible, this incurred the following costs: 2.64 dollars for running the instance ml.g5.2xlarge in Amazon SageMaker and 1.21 dollars for running the instance in Amazon OpenSearch. Is there a way to ask for credits from AWS in order to experiment with SageMaker and OpenSearch? Thank you.

1 Answer

Hi, For SageMaker ml.g5 are not eligible for Free Tier, review all Free Tier offer for SageMaker here Also, Free tier for OpenSearch workloads only apply for or instance, you can find all the details in the pricing page

I recommend you contact your account manager, SA or TAM, they will be able to work with you and support you in your request.

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago

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