How do i setup a Auto scalling group for my ec2 instance where i am running a docker container??


Hello Everyone, I have Ec2 instance of type r6i.large that has 2 vCpu and 16 gb memory in which i am running a fastapi docker container. During the execution, while processing big parts the docker container takes 1 vCpu and 12 gb memory. During this time if any request comes to the fastapi application the request waits for the previous execution to be completed then process it.

Now, i want to setup a architecture where during this execution if a request comes using asg it will scale up another server and process the request there. Then after completion it automatically scale down the server to save the cost. Using asg, i want to scale up another server only when the memory consumption is more than 10 gb and vCpu usage is 1 and another request is waiting in the fastapi application. Can you guys give all the architecture procedure i need to take to achieve this ??

1 Answer


The right way to do this is to use AWS Fargate, which is the serverless version of AWS ECS : it will scale up and down automatically for you based on activity. And you'll pay only for what you use.


That would also allow you to get rid of your EC2 instance and its management,

See this tutorial for a global overview and an easy start:



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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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