Hello i created a medialive/mediapackage stack using the worflow wizard as an rtmp push to push a stream from an OpenVidu application to the mediapackage channel, but when i start the stream i only get the preview, that one minute video in the mediapackage channel. From the logs of the server is used the following ffmpeg command to send the stream:
"Image": "openvidu/openvidu-recording:2.26.0",
"name": "broadcast_SessionABC",
"Env": [
"BROADCAST_COMMAND=ffmpeg <./stop -y -progress pipe:1 -f alsa -i pulse -f x11grab -draw_mouse 0 -framerate $FRAMERATE -video_size $RESOLUTION -i :$DISPLAY_NUM -c:a aac -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -copyts -f flv $BROADCAST_URL"
"HostConfig": {
"AutoRemove": false,
"networkMode": "host",
"Binds": [
"Ulimits": [
"Name": "core",
"Soft": -1,
"Hard": -1
"RestartPolicy": {
"Name": "no"
The channel acts as if the rtmp signal never started, but if i send the same signal to Twitch for example it displays normal.
This are the medialive channel settings:
"name": "teste-opv-2",
"inputAttachments": [
"inputId": "3280994",
"inputAttachmentName": "teste-opv-2",
"inputSettings": {
"sourceEndBehavior": "CONTINUE",
"inputFilter": "AUTO",
"filterStrength": 1,
"deblockFilter": "DISABLED",
"denoiseFilter": "DISABLED",
"smpte2038DataPreference": "IGNORE",
"audioSelectors": [],
"captionSelectors": []
"state": "RUNNING",
"pipelinesRunningCount": 1,
"destinations": [
"id": "mediapackage-destination",
"settings": [],
"mediaPackageSettings": [
"channelId": "teste-opv-2"
"egressEndpoints": [
"sourceIp": "source"
"encoderSettings": {
"audioDescriptions": [
"codecSettings": {
"aacSettings": {
"inputType": "NORMAL",
"bitrate": 64000,
"codingMode": "CODING_MODE_2_0",
"rawFormat": "NONE",
"spec": "MPEG4",
"profile": "HEV2",
"rateControlMode": "CBR",
"sampleRate": 44100
"audioTypeControl": "FOLLOW_INPUT",
"languageCodeControl": "USE_CONFIGURED",
"languageCode": "pt",
"name": "audio_2k0ok",
"streamName": "portuguese"
"captionDescriptions": [],
"outputGroups": [
"outputGroupSettings": {
"mediaPackageGroupSettings": {
"destination": {
"destinationRefId": "mediapackage-destination"
"name": "mediapackage",
"outputs": [
"outputSettings": {
"mediaPackageOutputSettings": {}
"outputName": "emp_360p30",
"videoDescriptionName": "video_640x360",
"audioDescriptionNames": [
"captionDescriptionNames": []
"timecodeConfig": {
"source": "EMBEDDED"
"videoDescriptions": [
"codecSettings": {
"h264Settings": {
"afdSignaling": "NONE",
"colorMetadata": "INSERT",
"adaptiveQuantization": "AUTO",
"bitrate": 600000,
"bufSize": 750000,
"bufFillPct": 90,
"entropyEncoding": "CABAC",
"flickerAq": "ENABLED",
"forceFieldPictures": "DISABLED",
"framerateControl": "SPECIFIED",
"framerateNumerator": 25,
"framerateDenominator": 1,
"gopBReference": "ENABLED",
"gopClosedCadence": 1,
"gopNumBFrames": 2,
"gopSize": 1,
"gopSizeUnits": "SECONDS",
"subgopLength": "FIXED",
"scanType": "PROGRESSIVE",
"level": "H264_LEVEL_AUTO",
"lookAheadRateControl": "MEDIUM",
"maxBitrate": 1500000,
"numRefFrames": 3,
"parControl": "SPECIFIED",
"profile": "HIGH",
"rateControlMode": "QVBR",
"qvbrQualityLevel": 7,
"syntax": "DEFAULT",
"sceneChangeDetect": "ENABLED",
"slices": 1,
"spatialAq": "ENABLED",
"temporalAq": "ENABLED",
"timecodeInsertion": "PIC_TIMING_SEI"
"height": 360,
"name": "video_640x360",
"respondToAfd": "NONE",
"sharpness": 50,
"scalingBehavior": "STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT",
"width": 640
"inputSpecification": {
"codec": "AVC",
"resolution": "HD",
"maximumBitrate": "MAX_20_MBPS"
"logLevel": "DISABLED",
"tags": {
"MediaLive-Workflow": "teste-opv-2",
"MSAM-Diagram": "teste-opv-2",
"aws:cloudformation:stack-name": "teste-opv-2",
"aws:cloudformation:logical-id": "MediaLiveChannel",
"MSAM-Tile": "teste-opv-2",
"channelClass": "SINGLE_PIPELINE",
"pipelineDetails": [
"pipelineId": "0",
"activeInputAttachmentName": "",
"activeInputSwitchActionName": "",
"activeMotionGraphicsUri": "",
"activeMotionGraphicsActionName": ""
"maintenanceWindow": "THURSDAY_0700",
"maintenanceStatus": "",
"maintenance": {
"maintenanceDay": "THURSDAY",
"maintenanceStartTime": "07:00"
I would like to know if there are some possible causes to this or if i am configuring the service wrong, thank you.